Albion Community Day

Albion College’s annual Community Day is fast approaching! Brought to you by Albion College’s Center for Sustainability and the Environment (CSE), 2024’s annual Community Day is a day of celebration, service, and camaraderie and will take place on September 7th, 2024 from 9am-12pm throughout the city. 

This year we are introducing CSE’s 2024/2025 theme of “One Albion”.

This year possible service projects include: 

  • Painting at various parks around Albion
  • Harvesting at the Albion Community Gardens
  • Assisting the Citizens who Beautify Albion
  • Picking up litter along the Kalamazoo River and in our neighborhoods
  • Volunteering at the Community Table of Albion

Please meet at the Ludington Center at 9 am. We encourage you to RSVP using the link. T-shirts will be available and be on a first come-first serve basis. A taco bar lunch will also be provided.

If you would like to attend with a large group (student organization or department) please let us know.

Posted on Tuesday, August 27, 2024 by Ashlynn Reed (