Author Archives: wp_admin

Installation of Dr. Wayne P. Webster

Albion College is thrilled to celebrate the upcoming installation of Dr. Wayne P. Webster as its 18th president this Saturday, April 20 at Goodrich Chapel, with a formal academic processional beginning promptly at 9:45 a.m. Faculty members who will take part in the academic processional should be in line outside Goodrich Hall at 9:15 a.m. All guests who are not processing should be seated by 9:30 a.m. On Friday, the College will host a series of alumni and presidential panels, as well as a special Spotlight on Albion event featuring faculty and students that highlight Albion’s commitment to the liberal arts and experiential learning in the local community and beyond. The full schedule of public events, which kicks off Thursday with the 34th Annual Elkin R. Isaac Student Research Symposium and ends with the annual Alumni Awards on Saturday, is available at

Posted on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 by Jill Mason (

Spotlight On Albion | Seeley G. Mudd Learning Center

3 to 7 p.m. | Spotlight on Albion: Creating Connections through Experiential Learning | Seeley G. Mudd Learning Center

Join us as we celebrate experiential learning, student research, and curricular innovation at Albion College. Featuring presentations from faculty, staff, and students, Spotlight On Albion will cover a variety of topics from the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program to the community gardens and student farm. Learn about the interesting, outside the box things happening on campus and beyond.

3 to 3:10 p.m.: Opening remarks from Lisa Lewis, provost and professor of chemistry

3:10 to 4 p.m.: Student “5 and Done” Presentations

4:10 to 5:30 p.m.: Experiential Learning in the Community Keynote Presentations

5:30 to 7 p.m.: Student Poster Presentations and Reception

Posted on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 by Jill Mason (

Installation Symposia | Building inclusivity on small private liberal arts campuses through the practice of civil discourse | Bobbitt Visual Arts Center

1:30 to 3 p.m.: Building inclusivity on small private liberal arts campuses through the practice of civil discourse (Bobbitt Auditorium 113)

This panel of current and former college presidents will explore the many innovative ways they have or are currently working to create opportunities for civil dialogue and build cultures of inclusivity on their campuses. The discussion will be moderated by Vice President of Student Development and Dean of Students Leroy Wright.

Presidential Panel

Presidential panelists include: 

  • Dr. Zach Messitte, executive director, higher education and social impact at Russell Reynolds and former president of Ripon College
  • Dr. Anita Thomas, president of North Central College
  • Dr. Sarah Bolton, president of Whitman College
  • Dr. Wayne Webster, president of Albion College

Click here the view the complete schedule for the Purple & Gold Weekend and Presidential Installation.

Posted on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 by Jill Mason (

Installation Symposia | Lux Fiat: Shining a Light on Legacy Alumni Panel | Bobbitt Visual Arts Center

10:30 to 11:30 a.m.: Lux Fiat: Shining a Light on Legacy Alumni Panel (Bobbitt Auditorium 113)

The premise for the Lux Fiat Award is to celebrate senior students who holistically showcase strong academics, a drive for community service and campus involvement, and a commitment to diversity. Join us as we shine a light on our previous Lux Fiat award recipients, the legacy they left on campus, and their lives after Albion. Vice President of Student Development and Dean of Students Leroy Wright will provide opening and closing remarks.

lux fiat

Alumni panelists include:

  • Maddie Drury ’15
  • Dan Moilanen ’09
  • Alexis Tillery ’16
  • Eryn Lewis ’23
  • Robert Joerg ’19

Click here to view the complete schedule for the Purple & Gold Weekend and Presidential Installation.

Posted on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 by Jill Mason (

Installation Symposia | Albion Alumni in the Creative Arts | Bobbitt Visual Arts Center

9 to 10:30 a.m.: Albion Alumni in the Creative Arts (Bobbitt Auditorium 113)

Ever wonder what the life of an art major is like after Albion College? Come hear these graduates talk about how they built an art career through exhibition, curation and graduate school! Learn about what they wish they knew as Albion College students and more.

Alumni Art Panel

Alumni moderator and panelists include:

  • Moderator: Aubrey Thornton Martinson ‘01
  • Camille Hamilton ‘05
  • Trevor Hawks ‘04
  • Emily O’Hara ‘06
  • Steve Nyktas ‘02
  • Angie Redmond ’09

Click here to view the complete schedule for the Purple & Gold Weekend and Presidential Installation.

Posted on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 by Jill Mason (

Installation Symposia |Albion Senior Art Exhibition with continental breakfast | Bobbitt Visual Arts Center

8 to 9 a.m.: Albion Senior Art Exhibition with continental breakfast (Munro Gallery)

View the awe-inspiring work of eight Albion senior students in the Art & Art History Department and connect with them during the Would You Be Content? Senior Showcase & Symposium in Munro Gallery. This event features a continental breakfast for guests. No food or drink is allowed in the gallery.

art students

Student presenters include:

  • Brooklyn Tripp ‘24
  • Dany Martinez ‘24
  • Lauren Farley ‘24
  • Nateayah Garner ‘24
  • Nieya Singleton-Anderson ‘24
  • Oziel De La Fuente ‘24
  • Rana Huwais ‘24
  • Sarah Stone ‘24
  • Vanessa Ybarra ‘24

Click here to view the complete schedule for the Purple & Gold Weekend and Presidential Installation.

Posted on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 by Jill Mason (

Audition for Theatre Dept.’s JOHN PROCTOR IS THE VILLAIN on Apr. 22

The Theatre Department will hold auditions for the first show of the 2024-25 season, John Proctor is the Villain, on Monday, April 22. Sign up for an audition slot, read instructions, and download audition scenes on the “Theatre Production” Course Webs page. To access page: login to Course Webs, click the arrow tab in the upper right corner under your profile pic, under “Student Resources” you will see a drama mask icon with “Theatre Production,” click the icon to join.

About the play:
John Proctor is the Villain
By Kimberly Belflower
Directed by Meghan VanArsdalen
First Rehearsal: Aug. 19, 2024
Performances: Sept. 19-28, 2024

*The Theatre Department is committed to an inclusive casting process, and encourages every actor to audition for any role that they feel a connection with.

Posted on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 by Zach Fischer (