Author Archives: wp_admin

Lux Fiat Panel: Shining a Light on Legacy, 4/19

The premise for the Lux Fiat Award is to celebrate senior students who holistically showcase strong academics, a drive for community service and campus involvement, and a commitment to diversity. Join us on April 19 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in Bobbitt Auditorium as we shine a light on our previous Lux Fiat award recipients, the legacy they left on campus, and their lives after Albion. Vice President of Student Development and Dean of Students Leroy Wright will provide opening and closing remarks.

Hope to see you there!

Posted on Saturday, April 13, 2024 by Jordan Revenaugh (

Student/Alumni Networking Reception on 4/18

Following the Elkin Isaac Student Research Symposium on Wednesday, April 18, join us for a Student and Alumni Networking Reception from 5 to 6 p.m. in the Science Building Atrium! This event will feature snacks, light refreshments, and conversations with your fellow Brits.

Alumni can help you build your professional skills and even find connections for jobs and internships. If you’re available, we’d love to see you there!

Posted on Saturday, April 13, 2024 by Jordan Revenaugh (

RACE IN MEDIA (HSP 137H) Presentations

Albion College has a history of controversial and sensitive stories that are difficult to talk about. Our projects shine a light on these stories using the Pleiad.

Join the students of HSP 137H: Race in Media for our final presentations to hear about our semester-long projects digging into the Pleiad archives to explore and explain stories of interest to our community. We will share both Digital Archive Projects and a physical exhibition, which will remain on display outside the Library Archives for a few weeks — please visit to view the exhibit any time if you are unable to join us for the presentations!

Tuesday, April 23
2:30 to 4 p.m.
Library Archives (Top floor of Mudd)
All are welcome!

Posted on Friday, April 12, 2024 by Krista Quesenberry (

Do You Have an ESA? Let us Take Photos!

If you have an ESA and would like them to be featured in The Albion Pleiad, please fill out the form attached here. The last day to fill out the form is Tuesday. After you have submitted the form, I will be reaching out to your preferred contact. If you are unable to meet, please still fill out the form and submit your favorite photo to

Posted on Friday, April 12, 2024 by Rhiannon Slotnick (

Unlocking the LSAT with Philosophical Logic

At this session, Dr. Jeremy Kirby will review the form of reasoning the LSAT tests for and demonstrate how an understanding of symbolic logic can be used to model it.  This session is being offered to better prepare students for the LSAT and GRE, GMAT, etc.  Philosophy majors are traditionally among those scoring highest on the LSAT.   Show up Tuesday, April 16th at 6:00pm in Vulgamore 204.  We have ordered pizza too.  For more information contact Dr. Kirby at

Posted on Friday, April 12, 2024 by Linda Clawson (

Please Return Eclipse Glasses

We hope you enjoyed the solar eclipse on April 8! The Physics Department handed out over 2000 eclipse glasses and we’d like to recycle them.

We are donating the used eclipse glasses to the Astronomers Without Borders recycling program. Thousands of donated glasses will be recycled and vetted for reusability and given to those who need them for outreach and educational programs around the world. Since 2008, Astronomers Without Borders has been sending solar eclipse glasses to many different regions of the world, from Africa to Asia.

Boxes will be out through the end of Finals Week. Please return glasses to:

  • Physics
  • Campus Safety
  • the Bookstore
  • the Library

Help us support people on this Earth so that everyone can enjoy nature. Make education borderless! 🙂 

Posted on Friday, April 12, 2024 by Tia Sriprom (