Author Archives: wp_admin

April 8 Eclipse Viewing

Love sparkly things? Come see nature’s biggest diamond ring! 

Join the Physics Department and student ambassador to watch the Partial Solar Eclipse (almost 100% coverage!). Wondering what diamond ring? Then come find out! Learn about this beautiful phenomenon as the Moon is aligned in between the Sun and Earth. Find out where the ring is 😉

Note: The event is weather permitting, but as long as  you can see your shadow, viewing will occur.

Location: Palenske roof and the Quad! You pick 😉

*Faculty have been invited to request solar eclipse glasses for their classes.*

All glasses will be collected and donated to Astronomers Without Borders recycling program.


Posted on Saturday, April 06, 2024 by Tia Sriprom (

I-Space Mega-Multi Cultural Event

WHEN:  Wednesday, April 10th
7:00 – 8:30pm

WHAT:  The I-Space’s annual Mega-Multi Cultural event to share food, music, games and activities from countries around the world, including Ecuador, Peru, France and Germany, with the Albion College campus.

WHERE:  2nd Floor in the Kellogg Center

This event if free and no language experience is required to come and enjoy the fun.

Sponsored by the I-Space (aka the Modern Languages & Cultures Living, Learning Community), with support from Modern Languages & Cultures and the Center for International Education.

Posted on Friday, April 05, 2024 by Linda Clawson (

KC mailbox key returns for Seniors.

Graduating students that are leaving campus after commencement will need to clean out their mailbox and retrieve any remaining packages. Mailbox keys will need to be returned to the Campus Post Office just prior to leaving campus. Keys can be returned M-F, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Do not leave keys with Community Living or an Area Coordinator. Seniors that will be staying into the summer or coming back for Fall 2024 semester can keep their mailbox keys until you leave at that time. Seniors staying during the summer or some part of it will need to come to the Campus Post Office to fill out the necessary paperwork as soon as possible.

Seniors that will not be coming back to campus will need to delete their Albion College address information for online purchases. Amazon, UPS and Fed Ex Ground/Express packages cannot be forwarded from the Campus Post Office to another address if received here.

Thank you for your cooperation.



Posted on Friday, April 05, 2024 by Barry Beilfuss (

Daoud Lectureship: “Fantasmic Objects: Art and Sociality from Lebanon, 1920-1950”

Dr. Kirsten Scheid, an associate professor at the American University of Beirut and author of Fantasmic Objects, offers a striking study of both modern art in Lebanon and modern Lebanon through art on Thursday, April 11 at 7 p.m. in Towsley Lecture Hall.

An historical ethnography of “art acts” which played a significant role in founding the nation during French occupation (1920-1950), Fantasmic Objects foregrounds the decolonizing and self-civilizing efforts of painters, sculptors, and activists who fiercely upheld aesthetic development and battle for new forms of political and pious being.  It thus recontextualizes the art of Lebanon’s recent “postwar period” by closely reading artworks and careers, such as those of Moustapha Farrouk and Omar Onsi, through the lens of Islamic theories of fantasm that informed twentieth-century civic experimentation.

The talk is sponsored by The Daoud Family Lectureship in Middle Eastern Studies.  The public is invited to attend this free event.

Posted on Friday, April 05, 2024 by Linda Clawson (

Summer mail and package information from the Campus Post Office

Staying on campus this summer?

If you will be on campus this summer and would like your mail held here please come to the Campus Post Office M-F, 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM to complete the necessary paperwork.

Mail and package information for Summer.

Students that are leaving at the end of the Spring 2024 semester but will be returning for the Fall 2024 semester DO NOT need to turn in their mailbox key. Students that are not returning will need to turn in their mailbox key at the Campus Post Office, M-F 8:30 AM-5:00 PM.   Students will need to clean out their mailbox and pick up any remaining packages before leaving for summer break. Students will need to remove their Albion College address on accounts for package deliveries during the summer. The Campus Post Office does not have the space to store packages through summer break.  Packages received by Amazon, UPS or Fed Ex cannot be forwarded to another address if delivered here during the summer.

Thank you and have a great summer!

Posted on Friday, April 05, 2024 by Barry Beilfuss (

April 8 Eclipse Viewing!

Love sparkly things? Come see nature’s biggest diamond ring! 

Join the Physics Department and student ambassador to watch the Partial Solar Eclipse (almost 100% coverage!). Wondering what diamond ring? Then come find out! Learn about this beautiful phenomenon as the Moon is aligned in between the Sun and Earth. Find out where the ring is 😉

Note: The event is weather permitting, but as long as  you can see your shadow, viewing will occur.

Location: Palenske roof and the Quad! You pick 😉

*Faculty have been invited to request solar eclipse glasses for their classes.*

All glasses will be collected and donated to Astronomers Without Borders recycling program.


Posted on Friday, April 05, 2024 by Nicolle Zellner (

Shattering The Silence With Aaron Stone

Join Aaron Stone, US Veteran, as he shares his personal narrative of survivorship, addressing societal biases, misconceptions, and mental health challenges faced by male survivors of sexual assault. In groups, students will brainstorm the types of cultural barriers on campus that contribute
to our campus climate surrounding sexual assault. Aaron will finish with a discussion of physical and moral courage and how it
can help students tackle those barriers.

Posted on Friday, April 05, 2024 by Melissa Sommers (