Author Archives: wp_admin

Orchestra and Choir Conert–Sunday, Feb 25, 4:00

The Albion College Concert Choir, Symphony Orchestra, and Briton Singers will present a combined concert “Panthers and Other Creatures” on Sunday, Feb. 25, 4 p.m., in Goodrich Chapel. The concert will feature the orchestra performing “A Tribute to Henry Mancini” where listeners will recognize “The Pink Panther” as well as several other Mancini tunes. The choir will perform pieces including “El Grillo” (The Cricket) by Josquin des Pres and “White Winter Hymnal” by Robin Pecknold (arr. Alan Billingsley) The ensembles will combine at the end for several pieces including Edward Elgar’s “The Snow.”

Posted on Wednesday, February 14, 2024 by Hope Anderson (

Today – “Ashes to Go” (Traditional and Glitter) in the KC

Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Christian season of Lent that leads up to Easter. Lent is a season of reflection, repentance, and re-centering. In collaboration with Spiritual Life, local United Methodist clergy will provide ‘ashes to go’ in the Kellogg lobby from 1 to 3 p.m., Ash Wednesday, including traditional palm ashes and glitter ashes. Why ashes? Ashes symbolize mortality, grief, and repentance. Why glitter? Ashes mixed with biodegradable glitter represent LGBTQ affirmation and inclusion. They are also a public acknowledgement of the divine worth of each human being, including those who have often been marginalized. Together, they invite us to view Lent–and life–in a new way. For more information, email

Posted on Wednesday, February 14, 2024 by Laura Todd (

Fall (or Summer) in love with Washington, D.C.!

Join the Career and Internship Center, Gerald R. Ford Institute for Leadership in Public Policy and Service, and The Washington Center on Wednesday, Feb. 14, from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. for a virtual information session to see how you can intern in Washington, D.C. while earning academic credit on campus.

Mark your calendar and register for the info session

Even if you aren’t able to attend at that time, by registering, you will receive the recording of the session.

For those who would like to join us at the Career and Internship Center, Ludington Center, room #114, we will be providing pizza and beverages while we connect to the session and learn more about The Washington Center.

Contact the Career and Internship Center at or 517-629-0332 for more information.

Posted on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 by Dawn Hernandez (

Auditions for William Shakespeare’s _Twelfth Night_ are on Monday, Feb. 19

The Theatre Department will hold auditions for William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night on Monday, Feb. 19. All students are welcome to audition, regardless of experience. We’re especially interested in students who play guitar and/or sing. Sign up for an audition slot and download audition scenes and instructions on the “Theatre Production” Course Webs page. To access the page, log in to Course Webs and click the arrow tab in the upper right corner below your profile pic. Under “Student Resources” you will see a drama mask icon with “Theatre Production.” Click the icon to join.

Posted on Monday, February 12, 2024 by Ian MacInnes (

Bird Walk in Whitehouse Nature Center, Sat February 17

Be part of a Global Bird Count this weekend! Join Dale Kennedy and Doug White for a bird walk in Whitehouse Nature Center on Saturday, Feb. 17, at 10 a.m. Meet at the WNC Interpretive building. All levels of birders are welcome. This walk is an event for the Great Backyard Bird Count, an international bird count that produces information to “help scientists better understand and protect birds around the world.” And looking for birds is fun!

Posted on Monday, February 12, 2024 by Dale Kennedy (

Monday Meditation This Evening

Albion College Spiritual life and local Buddhist meditation teachers will facilitate a meditation in Kellogg 412 from 7 to 7:45 p.m., Monday, Feb. 12. (Meditation will be held every Monday this semester at the same time and place.) Teachers Bruce and Teri Nelson are lay practitioners and authorized meditation instructors in the Kagyu-Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism. Anyone interested in learning more about meditation is welcome. Chairs and cushions will be provided, but feel free to bring your own.

Posted on Monday, February 12, 2024 by Laura Todd (