Category Archives: Faculty and Staff

Call for community engaged courses at Albion

Do you teach a course that requires students to engage with the Albion community? Do you facilitate Albion-based service or research projects with students in your classroom? If so, we would like to feature this community-engaged course!

My name is Kalli Onai, and I am working on a Community Engaged Learning course catalog to document all existing academic courses that provide students an opportunity to intentionally connect with the community of Albion through service and/or research. Examples of this work include, but are not limited to: volunteering and service projects, visiting historical artifacts, community research projects, etc.  If you offer a course that fits this scope, please answer this Google Form to provide more information for the catalog. All courses will need to be submitted by October 20th at the latest to be featured in the 2023-2024 Catalog year. This project is a part of the Community Engaged Learning Initiative sponsored by a grant from the Bonner Foundation.

Posted on Tuesday, July 11, 2023 by Kalli Onai (