Category Archives: Faculty and Staff

Maemester 2024 Showcase Learning Fair

On behalf of the Fritz Shurmur Center for Teacher Development and the Education Department, please join us for our 18th annual Showcase Learning Fair where we celebrate our 19 Maemester students. The event takes place  on Thursday, May 23rd from 6:00-7:30 pm in the Albion College Science Atrium.
There will be a brief introduction at 6:00 pm, however you are invited to drop in anytime.

Posted on Monday, May 06, 2024 by Karen Hoaglin (

Send off the Class of 2024 this Friday!

Join campus on the quad this Friday, May 3rd from 3-4 p.m to send off the graduating class of 2024! President Webster will be leading our graduates in one final processional line through the quad in preparation for the big day: commencement. During this time we would LOVE for our campus community to flood the quad with applause and cheers of congratulations to our graduates!

Posted on Wednesday, May 01, 2024 by Kalli Onai (

Volunteer for 2024 Commencement!

Help us send off the class of 2024 by volunteering to assist with commencement ceremony! We are looking for general helping hands before, during, and after the ceremony, as well as golf cart drivers to transport those in need! Click here to sign up. As a thank you, all commencement volunteers will be invited to a thank you celebration Thursday, May 9 at 4 p.m.

Posted on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 by Kalli Onai (

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT — HSP 137H: Race in Media exhibit, available until Fall!

Albion College has a history of controversial and sensitive stories that are difficult to talk about. Our projects shine a light on these stories using the Pleiad.

If you didn’t catch the Honors Symposium HSP 137H: Race in Media final presentations last week, you can still find our semester-long projects and read up on these important glimpses into Albion College’s history in two ways:

  • Read our Digital Archive Projects online here (scroll to the bottom of the page), or
  • Visit the Library Archives (top floor of Mudd) and check out our exhibit in the glass cases, any time the Library is open through the early Fall Semester!

Posted on Saturday, April 27, 2024 by Krista Quesenberry (

Senior Playwriting Capstone (Stage Reading)

Join the Albion College Theatre Department for a stage reading of a short student-written play, Playtime in Eden. This reading serves as part of a senior capstone project for playwrighting and will be followed by a Q&A/workshop.

Play Synopsis: The identity of the Judeo-Christian God is both enormous and malleable, simultaneously difficult to grasp and easy to morph. There have been endless discussions of God’s race and gender, but this absurdist play presents another axis of identity to consider: what if God were an overexcitable child? Witness the seven days of creation through a frenzy of crayons, creativity, and dinosaur chicken nuggets.

Date and Time: April 30th, 5pm – one day only.

Location: Herrick Theater Main Stage

Admission is free.

Posted on Thursday, April 25, 2024 by Heather Phipps (