Category Archives: Students

Start your week with a spiritual practice

Laura Todd, assistant director for spiritual wellness, will offer spiritual practices every Monday in September from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the lobby of the Kellogg Center. Spiritual practices can help you remember what’s important, re-center in times of stress and explore the bigger picture. A different practice will be featured each week. Whether you’re new to spiritual practice, looking to deepen your practice or just want to chat, you are welcome to stop by!


Posted on Friday, September 15, 2023 by Laura Todd (

Art Club meeting

Welcome to the exciting world of creativity and self-expression at the Art Club’s first meeting of the year! We’re thrilled to kick off the 2023-2024 academic year with a burst of inspiration, and we invite you to join us for our inaugural gathering on September 15th, 2023, at 7:30 PM in the KC 1st-floor living room. At this meeting, you’ll have the opportunity to meet our dedicated board members, a group of passionate students who are eager to lead and guide our club to new heights. During our first meeting, we’ll dive into planning exciting projects and events for the semester ahead. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or just discovering your creative side, there’s a place for you in our club.

Posted on Friday, September 15, 2023 by Leslie Rivas (

Homecoming spirit week

Sponsored by the offices of Campus Life and Institutional Advancement, the College will be hosting a competitive spirit week leading up to homecoming this year. All four classes will compete against one another to see who has the most school spirit. The winning class will be determined based off which class has the highest participation levels, raises the most money for the Briton Scholarship Fund through penny wars, and who has the best rock design.

Seniors will set the tone for spirit week by dressing up in purple and gold & painting the rock on Monday. To receive credit for dressing up on their given spirit day, participating students will check in at the KC each day, where they can pick up a custom class sticker and participate in penny wars.

September 25: Senior Spirit Day

September 26: Junior Spirit Day

September 27: Sophomore Spirit Day

September 28: First-Year Spirit Day

For more information & a full list of activities, please follow this link.

Posted on Thursday, September 14, 2023 by Jordan Revenaugh (

Join us today for a dialogue on diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging

The Human Rights Lab is hosting a dialogue on diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) on Sept. 14, 7-9 p.m. in the Science Atrium. We will discuss DEIB at Albion, build networks, and gain a better understanding of existing resources. Come and share your concerns as well as hopes and ideas. Together we can make Albion a more inclusive and equitable place!

This event is in partnership with the Student Senate, Ford Institute, Office of Belonging, Curtis Institute, and CSE. For more information, contact Kara Anderson at

You can learn more about the Albion Human Rights Lab at

Posted on Thursday, September 14, 2023 by Kara Anderson (

Islam 101 – questions and prayer demo with Imam Sohail Chaudhry

Imam Sohail Chaudhry will give a short talk and q & a about Islam basics on Wednesday, September 20th at 6:30 PM in the Umbrella House, followed by a prayer demonstration at 8:00 PM. Topics covered include what Islam is about and how it is practiced, the role of Jesus and prophets in the faith, balancing Islamic practice with college life, and more.

People of all beliefs are welcome to attend both parts of the event and ask questions! Imam Sohail is the Resident Imam (prayer leader) of the Islamic Society of Greater Lansing and is experienced in interfaith discussion. The talk and prayer demo will take place on the downstairs level of Umbrella.

(Sponsored by Spiritual Life in collaboration with the Muslim Students Association and Religious Studies Department)

Posted on Thursday, September 14, 2023 by Laura Todd (

TRIO SSS application deadline Sept. 15

Interested in receiving support to help you succeed? Consider applying to the TRIO SSS program. TRIO SSS is a federally funded program that supports students at Albion College by building community, developing strategies for academic success, and offering resources for continued learning well beyond college. Apply by the end of day – Friday, September 15 – to be considered for the Fall 2023 semester.

Apply Today

Posted on Thursday, September 14, 2023 by Jamilia Johnson (

Spend a semester in Philadelphia or Chicago and gain valuable internship experience

The Philadelphia Center and Chicago Center for Urban Life and Culture will be on campus for Beyond Albion on Tuesday, September 19 from 4-6 p.m. in Upper Baldwin and on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, visiting some classrooms, meeting students, and holding a lunch hour information session from noon – 1 p.m. in the Career and Internship Center-Ludington Center, room #114. Pizza and beverages will be provided.

The Philadelphia and Chicago Centers equip college students and other participants to learn from diverse urban communities through innovative programs, seminars, and internships.

The Brits Abroads deadline for spring 2024 is Sunday, October 1, 2023.

If you are unable to attend the information session and would like to schedule an individual meeting with Greer Anderson, Campus Recruiter for The Philadelphia and Chicago Centers, please contact Dawn Hernandez at to select a time.

For additional information visit: and

Posted on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 by Dawn Hernandez (

Sign up for a free writing consultation

There’s always more to learn about writing as you encounter new contexts and take on more complex projects. Peer Writing Consultants are here to help you figure it out!

Writing Consultants are available Sunday through Thursday from 4-8 p.m., and we’re located in the Peer Learning Hub on the 2nd floor of Stockwell Library.

Writing consultations are free and unlimited for all Albion College students! Each consultation is scheduled for one hour, though these conversations can last anywhere from 10-60 minutes, depending on the project and your goals.

We specialize in the various kinds of academic writing you’ll encounter in classes (lab reports, analysis essays, research papers), but we’re also eager to talk with you about writing for jobs, professionalization, activism, and creative pursuits.

Schedule an appointment today!

Posted on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 by Angela Zito (