Join the AmeriCorps Community Health Team

We’re still seeking members to join the AmeriCorps Community Health team for the fall term. Interested applicants should submit their resume and cover letter on Handshake.

Below are brief overviews of the available positions:

  • Tech Savvy: Enhance technology literacy among older adults through personalized training and support.
  • Habitat for Humanity: Support affordable housing initiatives and engage in hands-on construction and community development projects.
  • Belonging Educators: Foster inclusivity and belonging within the community through educational programs and activities.
  • Economic Development Corporation (EDC): Assist in local economic development projects, focusing on sustainable growth and community empowerment.
  • International Education: Promote cross-cultural understanding and plan an community-wide international celebration.

Apply today to make a difference in our community!

Posted on Thursday, August 01, 2024 by Lindsey Knowlden (