24th Annual Marilyn Crandell Schleg Lecture Oct. 26

Please join us for the Marilyn Crandell Schleg Lecture Oct. 26 at 7 p.m. in Bobbitt Auditorium. “Finding Community Through the Practice of Oral History” will feature a panel of speakers from Eastern Michigan University. The practice of oral history has the ability to create community for those who feel that their stories have been excluded from traditional archival spaces, but also a community of practice. Alexis Braun Marks,  EMU archivist; Matt Jones, University Archives Lecturer and Oral History Program Coordinator; and Akaiia Ridley, ’22, current University Archives graduate assistant and creator of “The Beginning of Belonging: Exploring the Black History of Albion College” will discuss how the oral history program at EMU was established, how they are building community, the creation of the mobile oral history booth (The Aiere), developing the overall program, involving graduate students and connecting to different community partners. We hope to see you there!

Posted on Friday, October 20, 2023 by Elizabeth Palmer (epalmer@albion.edu)