Beyond Albion is today

Beyond Albion is today (Tuesday, Sept. 19) from 4-6 p.m. in Upper Baldwin. The event merges the Gerstacker Institute Recruitment Night, the Ford Institute Service Organization and Grad School Fair and the Domestic Off-Campus Program Fair. This annual fall event is for students seeking full-time employment, internships, after-graduation service projects, information on graduate/professional programs and domestic off-campus studies. For those seeking a job or internship, Beyond Albion is an opportunity to present yourself professionally in person to a potential employer while showcasing your communication skills. Remember to request a professional resume review with the Career and Internship Center ( For questions, please contact one of the following: Roy Mathews (Gerstacker) at; Eddie Visco (Ford) at; or Dawn Hernandez (CIC) at

Posted on Tuesday, September 19, 2023 by Dawn Hernandez (