Category Archives: Faculty and Staff

Experience Briton Bash Aug. 30

Briton Bash, our annual student involvement fair, will take place Wednesday, August 30 from 4:30-8pm on the campus quad.  Over 100 tables will line the quad with information on clubs and organizations, off campus program opportunities, departments and local businesses that are available.

Briton Bash will also include an all campus cookout dinner that is free for all students (with or without a meal plan), faculty and staff.  Addition guests may purchase a dinner ticket at the cookout.  0-3 is free, 4-11 is $7 and 11 & up is $12.

Questions? Contact

Posted on Thursday, August 24, 2023 by Jennifer Yawson (

Dow hours for start of school

The Dow Recreation and Wellness Center hours of operation.

Facility hours of operation through Sept. 4:

  • Today through Thursday, Aug. 31: 8 a.m.-10 p.m.
  • Friday, Sept. 1: 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
  • Saturday, Sept. 2 and Sunday, Sept. 3: CLOSED
  • Monday, Sept. 4 (Labor Day): noon-8 p.m.

Facility hours beginning Tuesday, Sept. 5:

  • Monday-Thursday: 6 a.m.-10 p.m.
  • Friday: 6 a.m.-8 p.m.
  • Saturday-Sunday: 8 a.m.-8 p.m.

Posted on Friday, August 18, 2023 by Eric Scott (

TouchNet authorized user domain issue

Student Accounting has found that Authorized User emails that have Gmail domains are not receiving notifications, statements, or password reset emails.

Albion Client Services and TouchNet are working to fix a security issue so these users can receive notifications and emails again.

At this time we do not have an estimated time this will be resolved.

If you have a TouchNet Authorized User that has a gmail account you may set up a seperate non-gmail email to be linked to your student account or log in for your authorized user until this problem has been fixed.

We understand this is a large inconvenience and are working hard to resolve the issue.

If you have further questions or concerns please contact Student Accounting at 517-629-0507 or email

Posted on Friday, August 18, 2023 by Student Accounting (

Information you need to know about Brit Books

Welcome to the start of Fall!  

  • By now, you should have received an email from Barnes & Noble about the Brit Books program and the materials required for your Fall courses. If you haven’t yet done so, please use that email to make your selections so the bookstore may begin assembling your materials
  • You may request removal from the program during the ‘opt-out’ period, which ends on September 11. The opt-out form is on the website:, under ‘How Do I Change My Program Status?’
  • If you choose to opt out, you may opt back in before the deadline. Your program status as of the close of business on September 11 will determine your status for the Fall semester
  • Students expecting credit for opting out of Brit Books will see the credit on their account after September 15. Please do not contact Student Accounting to request a credit to your account before September 15
  • Please contact the Bookstore with any questions about Brit Books: or 629-0391

Posted on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 by Karla McCavit (

The Albion College AmeriCorps program is hiring

We are looking for students who get. things. done!

The Albion College AmeriCorps Program is seeking students of all majors who are excited about engaging with the community. AmeriCorps members apply what they are learning in the classroom and, in partnership with the local community, create meaningful change.

Enrolled members…
– Serve 10-20 hours/week
– Receive targeted, intensive professional development, community engagement and equity theory training
– Earn a living allowance and education award
– Grow personally and professionally while making a difference

Possible positions include:
High School Tutors
Housing Services Coordinator
Older Adult Technology Educator
Elementary School Mentors
Marketing and Communications Specialist
And more!

If you are interested, please submit a cover letter and resume to an AmeriCorps position on Handshake.

Members will begin service on September 4 and September 18 and will serve until the end of the Spring semester.

Posted on Tuesday, August 08, 2023 by Lindsey Knowlden (

Curtis Summer Bridge promotes self-exploration in STEM

August 31st was a monumental occasion, it was the first day of the James L. Curtis Institute for Race and Belonging Summer Bridge. Powered by a Department of Education’s Title III grant to expand STEM programming access to historically underrepresented student populations, the summer bridge is designed to promote student success. With intersecting topics focused on people, places, and things, this interdisciplinary bridge fosters the most authentic spirit of Liberal Arts Education and self-exploration. During this three-week immersive learning experience, students learn the history, language, and sociological factors that impact our environment. Additionally, students will participate in cultural opportunities that further enrich their learning. This Summer Bridge would not have happened if not for the collaborative efforts of our Albion College colleagues in the Office(s) of Belonging, Student Success, Student Life, and Community Living: Thank you! Questions:

Posted on Thursday, August 03, 2023 by Mr. Ari McCaskill (