Information you need to know about Brit Books

Welcome to the start of fall!  If you are a student, you should have received an email from Barnes & Noble about the Brit Books program and the materials required for fall courses. If you have not done so, please use that email to make your selections so the bookstore can begin assembling materials.  You can request removal from the program through Sept. 11. The opt-out form can be found here, under “How Do I Change My Program Status?” If you choose not to participate, you can opt back in before the deadline. Your program status as of the close of business Sept. 11 will determine your status for the fall semester. Students expecting credit for opting out of Brit Books will see the credit on their account after Sept. 15. Please do not contact Student Accounting to request a credit to your account before Sept. 15. Questions about Brit Books can be directed to the bookstore or by calling 629-0391.

Posted on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 by Karla McCavit (