Explore your future with Economics and Management Sept 18

If you have an interest in majoring (or minoring) in business or a related field (accounting, economics, finance, marketing, management), you are invited to join us at the “Explore Your Future with E&M” open house Monday, Sept. 18 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the lobby of Robinson Hall (lower level). Faculty members from the Economics and Management Department will be there to answer questions and provide information about the major and minor. Flyers with major and minor information and major and minor declaration forms will be available. Cookies will be served.  If you are interested but can’t join us, contact Dr. Vicki Baker, department chair, at vbaker@albion.edu. Major and minor declaration forms are also available on the table outside of the Economics and Management office (first floor, lower level).

Posted on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 by Vicki L Baker (vbaker@albion.edu)