Need a brain break this week? Let me study yours!

Research Participants needed!

Dear Albion College students,

You are invited to participate in a senior thesis research study looking at brain waves associated with trait resilience and memory. This research effort has been granted IRB approval, and you will be asked to consent to participate at the beginning of the experiment. This study will require 30 minutes of your time!

You will be asked a set of demographic questions, wear a headband to record your brain waves as you look at a set of pictures, listen to a narrative and memorize a series of words. Immediately after, your memory will be tested on these items. If you are a Psyc 101 student, you will receive 30 minutes of credit for participating!

If you would like to participate, please sign-up!

Thank you for your time,

Tori Balog

Posted on Monday, December 11, 2023 by Tori Balog (