RACE IN MEDIA (HSP 137H) Presentations

Albion College has a history of controversial and sensitive stories that are difficult to talk about. Our projects shine a light on these stories using the Pleiad.

Join the students of HSP 137H: Race in Media for our final presentations to hear about our semester-long projects digging into the Pleiad archives to explore and explain stories of interest to our community. We will share both Digital Archive Projects and a physical exhibition, which will remain on display outside the Library Archives for a few weeks — please visit to view the exhibit any time if you are unable to join us for the presentations!

Tuesday, April 23
2:30 to 4 p.m.
Library Archives (Top floor of Mudd)
All are welcome!

Posted on Friday, April 12, 2024 by Krista Quesenberry (kquesenberry@albion.edu)