Recruiting Black and White Women for Research Study

You are invited to participate in a study examining a variety of social and personal factors and then participating in a weight-training program over the course of several weeks. We are seeking women who racially identify as black or white, who are age 65 or older, and who do not currently participate in weighttraining. The study will occur over the course of 6 weeks. Week 1 will require 1 hour and 45 minutes to do a pre-assessment, weeks 2-5 will require 1-2 hours a week of instructor-led weight-training, and week 6 will require 1 hour for post-training assessment. We will also ask you to complete follow-up surveys at 3 intervals of 1 month, 6 months, and 12 months. 

Participation in this study is voluntary and your information will remain confidential. You will receive dumbbells, resistance bands, and up to $40 for your participation. 

If you have any questions or would like to participate, please contact Ahalee Farrow at or Katey Price at 616-540-0697.


Posted on Friday, June 07, 2024 by Ahalee Farrow (